“At Sight of Sun (lark bunting)”

Human activity is causing the mass extinction of plant and animal species at an alarming rate. I paint carefully rendered, miniature portraits of endangered animals into larger compositions to raise questions about Earth’s biodiversity crisis and the place of wildlife within increasingly unstable habitats. The swirling and exploding shapes and colors represent how our progressively chaotic environment is displacing fauna and the systems that support it.

This lithograph includes an image of Colorado’s state bird, the lark bunting. According to a 2019 study by the National Audubon Society, two-thirds of US birds are threatened with extinction from climate change and habitat degradation, including half of Colorado’s birds, among them the lark bunting.

I realize that making art might not be the most direct way to bring about change in the world. But I hope, as Louise Bourgeois said of drawing, it might offer “just a little help.”

Detailed view:

Shark's Ink