Matthew Palladino

1985, San Francisco, CA
Lives in Queens, NY

Matthew Palladino makes paintings, sculptures and drawings that use complex compositional imagery to explore cultural and political ideas. Drawing upon illustration and graphic design, the pieces playfully reference pop culture, art history, moral pitfalls and the carnivalesque.

During his first visit to Shark’s, Palladino continued his series of “wonder boxes”, in which he composes structures of confined rooms containing narrative images and intriguing plays on perspective. In Wonder Box: Expulsion the rooms are framed with maps of Africa and tell the tale of Adam and Eve.

In a second print Bad Map, Palladino exposes areas of a colorful map of the United States surrounded by water. The map and water are revealed by a graffiti-like scrawled erasure as if the image had been covered. This lithograph seamlessly combines map and scrawl in a playful political commentary.

Palladino’s work is in the collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, NY and numerous private collections.

To view or download a complete biography, please click here

For additional information visit Matthew Palladino’s web site.

Shark's Ink