Luis Jiménez

Born: 1940 in El Paso, TX, Died 2006

Luis Jiménez died in a tragic studio accident June 13th, 2006.

Luis Jiménez’ sculptures of uniquely American subjects adorn public spaces and parks from San Diego to Washington D.C. to Fargo to El Paso. “I want my work to become an integral part of the society that surrounds it; to generate a meaningful dialogue among members of the diverse community.” Jiménez’ sculptures, drawings and prints are inspired by the popular graphics and folk art tradition of his El Paso childhood, Pop Art, WPA murals and the Baroque art of Europe.

Mustang is a large lithograph depicting a version of a huge public sculpture commissioned for the Denver International Airport. Jiménez’ graphic, baroque drawing and use of color evokes the fiery wild horse of the West.

Luis Jiménez has exhibited his work widely and is represented in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum, The Chicago Art Institute, The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC and many others.

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